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Friday, October 22, 2010

Rare Ideas

Rare Ideas (PM xvi)

The mosquitos are out tonight
in force,
I can hear them whirring above
my head,
and occasionally one makes it
into my ear,
and the echo is intense.
I dig inside my ear to kill it
but I fear it will stay in there
and rot out the insides.
I wait for it to fly out and
it always does,
yet the feeling of something flying
around in your head is
most agonizing.

A rare thought will do the same
thing in my brain,
passing through to make a
brilliant point or maybe
entering just to remind me
of how stupid I am.
Bad decisions begin like that,
not quite acceptable to the
gray matter,
yet strong enough to somehoe
overpower reason and become
the way of things
the security guards in my brain
are not doing their job
they should be screening these
retarded thoughts and not
let them onto the inner sanctum.
I guess I am only paying them
minimum wage,
and I am getting what I paid
Now the big question is,
do I fire them and hope to find
better ones that will work for the
same price?
Or do I negotiate with the ones present,
or maybe offer them dental
and eyeglass coverage.


1 comment:

  1. I love the way your mind works, Michael; bugs and all. I will never look at my bad choices the same way again.
