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Sunday, November 25, 2012




Reddened, swollen eyes watch
as I take a seat across from
her on the bus.
Crying all night perhaps,
how am I supposed to tell
and furthermore why am I
supposed to care?
Fingers tighten around purse
and I wonder if she thinks
I am going to rob her as I
but I am too tired to rob 
anyone and the idea of getting
up to run down a dark laneway
with some woman's purse
is the farthest thing from
my thoughts.

I look down at the floor
to free her from the fear that I
am any kind of danger
but the swollen eyes have arrested
me and force me to look up
briefly so as to get some sort of
idea of what she is crying about.

It could easily be anything,
death in the family, lost dog,
loss of job or maybe even a broken 
What the fuck do I know

Just asking the obvious question
would get me labeled a sex
offender and I would risk
being chased down the street by the
bus driver.

But I want to know,
what the fuck had she been crying
about? Maybe she was being
beaten at home on a nightly basis
and tonight she would succumb to
those beatings and die in a bloody
mess on the floor.
What if I could somehow step in
at this moment and convince her
to save her own life?
I could be a hero, front-page news
in tomorrow's paper,
"Humanitarian Saves Woman on Bus Using
Words and Spirit"
I can just read it now!

But I know I won't be 
reading that tomorrow,
because I'm not going to do
or say anything,
for all I know she was crying
from a paper cut she received
from the hundred dollar bill she 
put on Shawshank to win in the fifth,
no reason to get involved.





A face peeked around the corner,
young, fresh, oriental, or Asian, I'm
not sure which I'm supposed to use.
Sudden fear in her eyes as they
met mine,
tongue-tied, stammering,
trying to get the statement out,
one she had probably been practicing
for the last half hour.
Sudden fear from the realization she
had to talk to the devil,
sick old man sitting behind a desk
with a scowl on his face.

I beckoned for her to come closer,
wanting to hear better what I knew I
couldn't understand anyway, 
no hatred there, just fear and so
much uncertainty.
Seeing the form in her hand I realized
where she needed to go,
and I explained it with language,
oral and body, 
she nodded and smiled revealing
very crooked teeth.
Shaking she backed up, mumbling
what I assumed to be "thank-you"
and then she was off like the
wind, in the opposite direction
I had sent her.

Acting out of boredom, I watched
her for five minutes pacing the
parking lot,
and since I felt like having a smoke
anyway I set out to guide her,
she was apprehensive at first,
and then I guess she just gave up
and surrendered all her pride in
one fell swoop.

I walked to the end of the 
building with her,
nothing was said,
there was little point in saying
and I held the door open for her
as she entered the building,
I looked into her eyes as she
passed by and I smelled
ginger and cloves,
and then I noticed the fear
that had been so obvious previously
had disappeared and been replaced
by sheer relief.

I let her in and then I walked
back to my hole, my cell, my giant
desk in Purgatory,
I never saw her again
and I can't imagine for the life of me
that she remembers our encounter.





Because it is stupid,
it helps my brain wind down
and finishes any chance of sleeping
or thinking.
The continuous clockwork of my mind
is finally empty,
cobwebbed perhaps but the electricity
stops and nothingness takes over.
My blood flows slower and I can
reach out and touch individual
pieces on the shish-ka-bob and eat
them at my leisure instead of deep
throating the entire skewer and
chewing it into one massive wad
that I have to force myself to swallow.

I can still feel the magnets inside
my head, polarizing themselves
and moving all the files
from one place to another.
Long-term memory becomes short
and sometime I can't remember what
I did five minutes ago,
but I can remember Coyote farting
into a shuttlecock container and then
holding it over my face until I breathed
when I was four or five years old.

On my luckiest days I can transform
myself to a realm of fantasy,
always majestic, always England,
faeries and dragons, magical
wizards, leprechauns and Druids,
childhood games of Asterix and Obelix
where I always had to play Obelix,
big and dumb, no drugs for me.
I was never allowed to play Asterix even
though I always knew I couldn't anyway,
way too much confidence, I had the
Gallic sarcasm down pat but I never
could have pulled it off.
What the fuck did they do with all those
menhirs anyway?
Dogmatix be damned, I would have had a 
cat instead.

Because it is stupid,
fifteen minutes with my head at the
right angle, perfect temperature,
no sweating and I can get to sleep
otherwise its all just bullshit and
I have to put up with the lunatic
asylum that is broadcast on television
each and every night,
fearful to pinch myself lest I am
actually asleep and I don't want
to wake myself up.

Dawn breaks with a soft laugh
and a good hard kick in the teeth,
beaten down enough to begin
another lousy day.





Curtains have been drawn,
and no amount of light has
managed to inch its way in,
so I try to remain asleep, even
though I know I was never asleep 
in the first place.

I hear dogs in the distance,
howling at imaginary rabbits
that yearned to be chased across the
backyard only to be caught in
the end and be ripped to shreds
by razor-sharp teeth.

Birds fly over the scene and witness
all but they offer no help,
not even the offer to act as a 
witness to the brutality.
The screams from the neighbors 
are audible but muted,
lots of noise,but no words,
as if they scream at each other
but they have their own code so as
not to give away their deepest
but we know something is wrong,
they are not discussing today's racing
page or a stock market plunge

The kettle finally steams
and lava boils up and pours
over the rim
marking the mountain forever
while covering up the most recent
tidbits of shame and ugliness.

We are too cruel and we know it,
who can talk about love and
compassion while eating a cheeseburger,
or listen to a speech on equality
while the only thing you can think of
to stop the chatter,
is to ram your cock in her mouth.

Even when the curtains
are finally opened wide,
only darkness and more darkness
fills the room, the glowing tip
of a cigarette butt, the only star
in the sky,

Dreams of Hilda Doolittle,
and Sheri Martinelli,
from sepia-inspired fantasies.
Scrotal sacs are folded up
 and loaded onto the truck,
a fond farewell to mud, dog-shit
and snot-filled tissues.

The range has moved on and I
feel as though yet another ship has
sailed, I had the keel in my
back pocket but then I couldn't
walk very well, could I?


NB- Some disturbing imagery in there, I know, finding it harder and harder to keep it below the surface, MCC.




Expressive, a noise so loud,
rapping on glass, the insides
tapping ferociously to get out,
to leap out of the void,
and pierce my eyelids,
such noise as a cacophony of
songbirds yet muffled by a space-age
plastic that allows movement,
only when I blink.
As I delve into the interior I see
the fire,
the burning deep flame that hides
behind the eyes at rest yet can burst
forth at any sudden rush of ire,
angst or elegant surprise.
Looking into the skin the warmth
burns my soul and sets
my fingertips to twitching.
Far off a voice is calling, pulling
me back to my seat as I refuse to
pay witness to the parade shuffling 

I see and feel secrets as though they
demand to be opened,
like unwrapping a present as a child
spoiling the bow makes little difference
before the secret is discovered.
Turning away to see if the spark
disappears proves nothing,
the spell has been set and
six pieces become one again.
But the spark still burns,
thoughts recede,
such a small memory, as a child,
stealing small sips of Kirsch from
our father and thinking I had fooled
feeling the burn and wondering how and
why something could feel so good
and so bad.
Desire to covet is soon
replaced by an imagination of
wonder, of sheer elegance,
harder than steel,
but so dangerously feminine.
The image is so strong,
and the perfume is powerful,
like musk being boiled with
a soldering iron,
blue daffodils spread on the grass,
bare feet trampling them only to
have them crushed and then bloom
again once more.

The etching has gone very deep
able to enter my mind at whim,
I pause and shiver, 
why am I so weak?


Loose Gravel



The prat at the end of the
long dark hallway is beginning
to build deep black feelings inside
my soul.
I feel remorse as I worry about
what will happen if I lose
any type of control.
So much inane chatter,
threatening to make my blood boil
and fly off into an ever so
glorious rage of bitterness and
I command my heart to stay quiet
and it obeys for now,
although I have no control over
the mouth that seeks to wreak havoc
over the stillness that could pervade.
The dream has been dead for so
long that chances for resurrection have
long since disappeared,
labeled as impossible or at least
improbable, I have attempted to move
on but still continue to get sucked
under the waves and waves of shit
that crash onto the rocks on the beach.
Always mindful of the albatross,
I perch over the scenery and feel
the hatred leak out from between my
toes, compassion rears its' ugly head
and I have trouble swallowing
the very advice I have given myself
over and over to a dead audience.

Signaling the driver I comprehend
that the bus should stop at the next
sign but the panic sets in as he does
not slow down as he gets nearer.
I can't push the buzzer again, it brings
far too much attention to myself,
I would rather walk a couple of extra
blocks than be singled out as a malcontent.
Once again I wish I were a stronger
person but I know I have failed yet
again, I walk two extra blocks in
the rain, not getting any wetter,
but suffering all the same the extra time
in the surf.
Eyes peer out at me, behind tinted
car windows and I curb the reflex
to throw a pop bottle or
cigarette butt at them, what good would
it do?
I keep my head down as I
walk and I cross the busy streets
without looking as if I were daring
people to help me and to run me over
like a stray dog. Home looms near
and I reconcile to another day, mission
accomplished, nothing more than survival and absurdity.





I worried about leaving the
house this morning, thinking
I had set off a chain of events
the night before that couldn't
be stopped or even slowed down.
A nasty look here and there,
sharp retort and a look and 
feeling of general disgust pervaded
my being, in his presence,
yet I stood firm and refused to 
feel, I refused to be drawn in
to open my mouth would be to
seal my fate,
and I have resisted for so long
that I can even imagine that I
have won the battle.

The war must be almost over
and with my removal I will only
be able to look backwards
and rue what I destroyed with my
own stubbornness and sheer
Look the other way and sometimes
all you will see is something worse.
I feel as though a trail of fire ants
are marching down my arm and they
are all stinging me in unison leaving
my limbs dangling and useless,
but the pain is not paralyzed.

My arm is numb but it hurts
terribly and if I could
only immerse it in ice cold water,
all the barbs from the ants would
fall out and their venom would turn 
to painkiller and I would be

The walls and ceiling are closing
in upon me and I can't
raise my arms or shield my face.
I will be crushed and as I feel
the heavy ceiling weighing slowly
down on my 
head things become clearer
and I picture myself in the
backyard of our home in
Beloeiul, they have a swimming 
pool and I see so many kids
bobbing around on the surface in
lifejackets, tethered enjoyment
with no chance of a lawsuit.
I see Coyote there and one part
of me wishes I was with him,
the dominant part of my being
is too afraid to go in the water
with that many children,
so I watch from a distance
and spit into the blades of grass.
There are "dents de leon" growing
everywhere and I can't spit on them all. 



PM 1211241


I awaken, lying flat on my back
and I notice butterflies swirling
above my head, just out of reach
I try and scatter them with my
hand, they move a little higher and
then they completely disappear
leaving me alone in the universe.
Closing my eyes I will them to come
back to me but when I open them
again all I can see is empty space,
air devoid of butterflies is not a
happy thought or sight,
and I cannot will a smile from my
lips looking into such an awful,
empty space.

Reality sinks in like a right hook
to the jaw moments later when I
realize I must rise and feebly
attempt to accept the fact that yet
another day has dawned.
I crawl out of my sleeping position
and force myself to take that
first step that separates inertia
from rock, one foot in front of the
other while ankles creak and knees
complain as if they are ready
to leave me and move on to more
comfortable pastures.
My back and spine take minutes
to align themselves before I am
finally able to walk upright
and as I shuffle to the kitchen I
realize the headache that was
bothering me so much the whole night
previous has ebbed into a dull
thump that is much easier to live with.

All hail to the acetaminophen Gods
that have sustained me for so long and
have managed to cover up the spike-covered
cobwebs that inhabit my skull.
It won't last forever so I revel in
the beauty of being pain-free even if
it only lasts for an hour or two.
The kitchen brings some relief if
only to brighten the day, more
windows and on the right side
of the house for those prone to
early rising.
The curtains remain open for the 
entire day as even moonlight
and starlight deserve to be embraced,
the glow of thousands of streetlamps
can also be warming to the heart
and I allow them to shine in as
long as they care to keep burning.

I fear complete darkness as a fox
fears the hunter, always stay in
front, leave a little space just in case you trip on a shoelace.