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Sunday, June 9, 2013



The young girl at the side of the road looked no
more than nine or ten years old, maybe she was
twelve and suffered from malnutrition,
I couldn't be sure.
The basket she carried on her hip was huge
it looked bigger and weighed far more than she
did, all sorts of small packages, balls wrapped 
in napkins, steam coming off them in the early
morning cold.

As she climbed onto the bus, nimble as an elf,
the aroma hit me full in the face,
beef and onions, olives, all fresh and just off
the fire I would wager.

She smiled a mouth only half full of teeth,
whether it was her age or poor oral health,
I couldn't be sure, maybe a mixture of both.
I bought four for ten pesos, two dollars, more or less,
I offered one back to her but she refused,
she continued on towards the back of the bus
returning five minutes later with an empty basket,
I marveled at her salesmanship, yet a bus full
of hungry passengers was an easy sell.

They were delicious yet I couldn't help but picture
the bug-infested kitchen they were prepared in
and the less than sanitary hands that crimped the
dough and then so gently placed them in the
boiling oil. The dirty hands that wrapped them
in the napkins and gently filled the basket, trying
not to break any of them and have all their
goodness spill out.

How far did she have to walk to reach the road
and then how long did she have to wait for the
bus to come?

And when she got home, did she clean herself
up and begin the long walk to school,
or did she just fill up with more pastries and
get ready to go and wait for the next bus?

How does one analyze the different worlds
people live in without feeling a stab of pain
and wonder how some people live so poorly, 
and we complain when we are living so well.

I ate those four empanadas so quickly, as if they
were nothing, I didn't resent that I had paid the 
foreigner's rate, I just enjoyed them until the
bitterness arose in me so vile as to how many
might have suffered for me to have something to eat in
the morning after a long bus ride.

Her face was so dirty and sad and I will never
see her again as long as I live,
and she could be out there right now, waiting for
the next bus, an empty desk in a schoolhouse.




The gates loomed above me as I got off the bus,
I had been looking out the window,
and as I spotted the King David Hotel and
considered getting off and going on to use their
washrooms. The hostel washroom had been very busy
that morning and the smell had sent me outside
to urinate against the side of the wall.

Everyone out at nine in the morning sharp, a cookie
and some orange juice, that was the free fucking
breakfast? The orange juice was canned, we had
passed acres of orange groves on the ride from the
airport and I was given an paper cup of canned juice?
Anybody would have felt ripped off.

Back to the gate, it was so high, how the hell did they
build that without using a modern day crane,
it must have taken years,
I entered, everyone looked seedy, not a smiling
face in sight.

I was glad I hadn't shaved in days and I had
left my backpack at the hostel so I didn't think I
looked like a tourist, a terrorist perhaps! The aroma
of nearly a thousand different food stalls permeated my
nostrils and slapped me right across the face.

Finally I felt somewhere strange, exotic, alien,
everything I didn't want to see wasn't there,
no McDonalds or Dairy Queen,
and not a doughnut in sight. No sign of
the stars and stripes here but the sight of
so many yarmukhas and uzis in the same spot
was unnerving, so nothing I had ever seen before
and as I stopped to buy some sesame cakes
from a vendor I got some strange looks,
as though I shouldn't have been buying
anything from this person.

I walked on, munching, but still feeling very
uneasy and I couldn't dream of a spot I might
fit in here.

The ugly foreigner, perhaps, but I wasn't up to no
good and they should have known that.
I continued on my adventure through the city,
so much to buy and not a lot of money in my pocket,
learn to shop with your eyes at all times, I was told,
you don't have the means to carry any of that shit
around with you even if you could afford it.
Leave it for the rich Americans who could pay for the
extra luggage and who had lots of room to store the shit
when they got back to Albuquerque.

I smelled hash coming from the back of one of the stalls,
now there was something I could afford, and finally
someone smiled at me as I walked towards the back
of the stall.




The red light flashed and a buzzer rang,
but I ignored the customs guy and tried
to nonchalantly walk out the door.
Not today, I was called back and sent into
a room with my luggage.

Screw this, I thought, I'm not in a hurry,
and I don't have anything illegal,
I just want to get the fuck out of here.
I can't take it anymore.
I waited and I waited,
what a bunch of assholes, I just wanted
to get out and have a smoke,
I had been on the plane for hours and if
they had let me outside for two minutes I would
have happily sat there for hours as they tore
through my suitcases looking for heroin and ecstasy,
or whatever it was they thought I was trying
to smuggle back in.

I had lots of alcohol, maybe twenty bottles of wine,
but that's not what they were hunting,
why should they care about alcohol,
and the worst-case scenario was they would take it
away or charge duty on it,
fuck them, whichever they decided, just make the
decision and let me get the hell out of there.

I put on my most uncooperative face and just
sat there as if I had all the time in the
world, which I did, but then again,
I didn't.

I smiled as they pawed through my dirty 
clothes, they looked for secret compartments,
and they even opened my notebooks to see if
they could decipher what was on my mind.
Nothing.... doodles, swastikas are not illegal, we
are not in Germany or Israel,
frown and suck in your breath all you
want, I have done nothing wrong.
I answer the questions that I have not listened
to or understood and I wonder what they really
think of me. They are so interested in my notebook
and I can't help but laugh at the irony, I have 
tried so hard to get people to read what I have
written, but there are so few takers, yet these idiots
seem to be glued to every word, every pen stroke
every nuance, they didn't spend this much time
on my laptop for crying out loud and there could have
downloaded upskirt pics in there that
could have raised an eyebrow or two. Finally
they close my bag, look at me as though they are about
ready to spit and then they send me on my way
with a wave and a scowl, oh that cigarette was Heaven.