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Saturday, November 2, 2013


Oran Daydream
PM 1311022

Sometimes it hurts to read but the
words must somehow press their way
out of the book and into my brain,
it doesn't hurt but I can't resist the call
and I can't resist the feeling I get to
press on and find out what has been
presented to me. I feel and hear the
rattling in my brain as I need to know
what is going to happen on the next page,
skipping forward in impatience only to have
to go back when I realize I've missed
something important.

Visions of The Pink Panther drowning in
a pink asbestos pool are replaced
by a couple dead arabs on the beach and
I realize I have gone too far and need
to retrace my steps, get the hell out of 
Algeria and move on to safer habitats
in the world, moving forward but not
averse to hiding in the shadows as long
as it might take.

Oh, how mighty I am and I easily 
defeat all the snakes and monsters in my mind
only to be frightened by a small dog
as I walk to the store to buy a package
of cigarettes. Why be afraid of a 
small dog when lung cancer should be
weighing on my brain in a much
more profound way.

The barriers are so high and so many
survivors are keen to tell their stories
about how they leapt over them while I am
most concerned about finding the secret
door to sneak through when nobody is watching.

But the East German guards are always
there at the top of the wall,
waiting this time to shoot people trying to sneak
under while helping others who are braving the
elements and trying to get over the top.

I will never be one of those survivors, I don't
have it in me and if I did, I would only try
harder to get rid of it.

I cower behind the chairs in the cafe across
the street and wonder when it will finally be
my turn to shoulder all the responsibility the
world has to offer. How can one mature in a 
world that has so obviously crowned youth
as the ultimate victor and ageless wonders
land in the Guiness Book of World Records
still starving to death and wondering how to
spend their welfare cheques.



Hotel Las Verbenas
PM 1311021

I paint myself a bright, neon orange
but it still comes out black,
as black as the most evil night,
like in Argentina when the power goes 
out and there are no cars around to
at least show intermittent light.
No beacon to lead you back in from that
stormy night or just to remind you that
you are alive and not just gone blind.

Lying in a bed under a window I see nothing
outside and from the inside all I get is
the glowing ember from a cigarette
quickly lighting up that face and then I
wish it had never been lit up at all.

I lie there, so scared and so frightened,
we are in Mendoza, a beautiful city
but so frightening at night when all the
lights are off.

I hear so many motorcycles in the 
distance and hope none are coming for me.
Bike gangs take on a different meaning here,
a means to travel cheaply and nothing
more, I had seen a raven that afternoon
as we arrived at the city and stopped for gas.

Hotel Las Verbenas, I saw the sign but had no
idea what it meant and I couldn't get my
mind off the stupid raven.

It haunted me even more as I lay there
awake, dreading the moment I might hear
the crash of the door being broken down by a
jack-boot. They wouldn't bother to 
interrogate children, we didn't know 
anything, they would just shoot us and
dump us in an unmarked grave somewhere,
or leave us dead on the roof for the crows.

What was that raven doing at the gas station
and what did he know about us? What did
he know about me and the things I had been
up to? Once again, the strike of a match, a quick
glow and then only an ember, more pronounced
upon inhalation, just enough to shed light on
the devil.

I had seen so many spiders that day
and now I was at their mercy,
there could be one inches in front of my face
and I couldn't do a thing about it.
Maybe there was a rat right by my pillow just
waiting to gnaw my nose off,
sharpening his teeth on a rusty fork,
I could scream but nothing would come out,
but then the power comes back on,
at least the air conditioner is working again.


Saturday, October 5, 2013


Shattering Glass
PM 1310044

A slight disenchantment coupled with a complete
lack of interest, I can't tell and I can't put the
jigsaw puzzle together. I must be really stupid
or perhaps just completely insane,
I have trouble putting the two together and more
trouble admitting that I am neither.

I used to be strong, or at least I thought I
was, I can't move around like I used to
and nothing gravitates to me anymore,
I am giving off anti-matter,
and I don't know what it is.
how can I be giving something off if I 
don't know what it is?
I guess I just know that I am emanating
something and people just know enough to stay
away from it.

I used to be able to thread a needle at arms
length, but now if I don't have my glasses
on there is very little, if no, sewing being done in my
life. I can't fix a button and I never knew how
to repair a zipper,
Who does anymore?

No point in crying, salty tears only leave
streaks and sometimes it hurts to wash your
face, battery acid pools in the wrinkles,
scouring them for certain but not the
kind of clean you were looking for.

The bench in the park seems the most
likely place to take that load off,
watch as the world passes you by
instead of making any effort to become a part
of it, each passerby leaves behind something
in their wake, your choice whether to make
a positive catch or not, let out the fishing line
and don't try to hook anything,
let something bite your hook.

I lay awake all night and wonder how I will
make it through the next month,
do I have the where with all to imagine the amount
of scenarios it takes to make a complete day?
There are so many holes in the universe
and each step is a risk and a victory at the
same time. Walking on glass is not a metaphor
to be used wisely especially for those who live
in glass houses.

Feel the glass crack under your feet and
wonder when its going to break, what is
underneath to break your fall, will it save
you, will you kill it or will it kill you,
its too far to move off the glass
so you have to take the next step.



Great Neon Ghosts
PM 1310043

The surface is bright white, sparkling
when clean enamel, it brings out many
of the blemishes right to the forefront,
much like my personality, out in the open
yet hidden down a dark hallway
the doors all have cobwebs on them and
there is nothing to direct you to which
one to open.

People walk through this corridor
every once in a while but they fear to 
open the doors,
strange noises come from the insides
and it makes more sense to run than it
does to investigate.

Sometimes I sit out in the hallway
preparing ginger tea,
not to impress, just to settle my stomach
and I get the strange leer,
the dead eye,
and I cringe in my chair hoping that
nobody is on to me,
and I crawl back into the room leaving
the smell of boiled ginger in my wake.

Its cool behind the door, and I play the 
ever-looping tape of eerie noises and
dog's barking, just to keep everyone
else at bay.

Nobody would dare open the door with
any idea of what was going on in there.
A very lonely man, alone, sipping from a 
mug of ginger tea, wondering why the world
chose to pass him by, why his neon did not
light up, the gas didn't pass through the right
connections and left him lifeless.

The neon flashes so brightly in Las Vegas
beckoning all those stupid enough
to give their life over to reckless abandon
for a weekend of thrills and a plastic beer mug
full of tokens.

I toss my neon back into the clouds and bid
it a fond farewell,
my journey has to be different and with the
difference it becomes much darker,
an unlit path, careful on the turns
and stay out of the corners, there might be
something awful in there.

Who can resist not going onto the corners,
I am unable and even though I know I
shouldn't, I still venture inside every
time I am confronted by one.


приветствовать любителей русской поэзии!

To My Russian Readers!
приветствовать любителей русской поэзии!

I have noticed a lot of visitors from Russia lately, more than anyone else actually, please feel free to contact me or leave any message on my writing. I am very excited to learn of the sudden interest.


Amber Light
PM 1310042

The light has switched from red to green
to yellow a number of times but I
am unable to move forward when it
goes green and by the time I manage to
coax it forward just a little the light has
switched back to red.
I am in trouble, all signs point to
just go through the red light and hope
for the best,
face the consequences when you get there,
and if nobody sees you, you will be safe until
the next set of lights,
it never crosses your mind to take the car in
and get it fixed,
solve the problem before you get to the light
and then they will all turn green in unison
and you can sail right through

Why do I wallow in such stubbornness 
when I could easily soar above the land
and watch it as it blends everything up
into the turmoil that is life.
I feel it deep inside me, scraping the insides
and absorbing the refuse
instead of rejecting it.

How can I soar above such an ugly plain
and why does the fog always choose to
roll in just as I am preparing to lift
the front wheels off the tarmac.
Somebody left the side doors open and
now all the refuse of the world is pouring
in, unchecked,
and I can't keep up with it all.
I don't even want to, and as I watch it
flow by I realize that sooner or later it will
clear itself up and run opaque again,
I can't keep adding to it forever,
so if I stop it had to rejuvenate on its'
own, I am not in control, I never will
be so as I lay next to it I can only
pray that goodness will one day come through
and the stream will run free and clean.

Talk about biting off more than I could
ever chew, a small weight lifts off my
insides and reminds me again that I was
once a child,
but on that thought the darkness sets in and
the child I never knew is dead,
he never had a chance,
born without a bullet-proof vest
I took way too many shots to the head.



Disquiet Weight
PM 1310141

I thought I had left my hard outer shell
behind, I know it had fallen off and I had
kicked it into the gutter,
it lay there, lifeless and I laughed at it as I
continued walking on, I should have
taken a picture of it because I now
forget what it looks like and now it may
be possible that it never happened at all.

In any case, the shell has begun to grow
back and its hard as steel this time. Nothing
will be able to penetrate it and this should
make me feel safe,
but it doesn't,
I am as vulnerable as the day I was
born and I know something is going
to land on top of me one of these days,
maybe not a grand piano, but something
heavy and the soft spot on top of my head
is the target.

I can't make it safe,
neither can I extend my shell over the
top of my head, it is always out in the
open, bare to the cold, the ill-will and
they try and enter it using a cold hammer
and chisel.

Every time I try to fight back, I grow cold
or I fall asleep,
something always happens to make me falter
and I realize why, always too late and
too quickly, I realize why.
Nothing can escape the final weight that
bears down upon you,
and I can't be strong anymore,
I never wad and the lack of strength
has been my downfall,
and the reason the soft spot never hardened.

All would say its best to wear a hat but thats
only more weight,
and I do not need more weight on my
head, I can't carry what I have now.

Sadness is keeping me down and I am
drowning, not in tears but in pools of
self-loathing and mistrust,
unable to fight the monsters, I retreat
and berate myself for being such a coward.

I am not strong and never was,
I don't feel until well after its already
gone and by then is too late,
I can't get up in the morning and I can't sleep at night.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013


PM 1307301

Too many are waiting outside for my
arrival and I can't understand why
there is no one else who can look after
them right away.

I curse all of them inside as I throw 
out my cigarette and realize that my 
soup is going to get a lot colder before
I get the chance to eat it.

People are stupid, and the less smart they
are, the quicker they become more impatient
and more demanding.

I feel like they think I am the devil,
or at least his servant,
thrown here to abuse them and treat
them like the dirt they wallow in
day and night.

I don't care anymore, I treat them as
they treat me, relying on the first impression
to make a template for my future dealings,
but they eye me with such distrust that I have
no discourse but to bristle at them and this
is evident in my eyes.

Once they feel that initial stab, there is
no winning them back,
the poison was released in the
quills and the only antidote is to treat
me poorly,
no greater revenge than to remind me of
who I am and where I have ended up.

Instead of smoothing things over, I stir up
the water into a torrid whirlpool of hate and
I stir and I stir until I have made
myself seasick from the motion.
Mal de mer which translates into more
distaste on their part and I know they 
hate me even more.

Even when I smile at them they feel
as though they are being spat upon,
my smile can only be fake now,
false as false can be,
yet I can now flash them at will
and at the very least, I'm not automatically
considered an outcast.

They still leave, seething just a little
as they have paid, and paid dearly
and though they think they are in control,
or at least that they deserve to be in control,
I am the one who has won,
at least for the time being, a shallow victory,
is still a victory.


Sunday, June 9, 2013



The young girl at the side of the road looked no
more than nine or ten years old, maybe she was
twelve and suffered from malnutrition,
I couldn't be sure.
The basket she carried on her hip was huge
it looked bigger and weighed far more than she
did, all sorts of small packages, balls wrapped 
in napkins, steam coming off them in the early
morning cold.

As she climbed onto the bus, nimble as an elf,
the aroma hit me full in the face,
beef and onions, olives, all fresh and just off
the fire I would wager.

She smiled a mouth only half full of teeth,
whether it was her age or poor oral health,
I couldn't be sure, maybe a mixture of both.
I bought four for ten pesos, two dollars, more or less,
I offered one back to her but she refused,
she continued on towards the back of the bus
returning five minutes later with an empty basket,
I marveled at her salesmanship, yet a bus full
of hungry passengers was an easy sell.

They were delicious yet I couldn't help but picture
the bug-infested kitchen they were prepared in
and the less than sanitary hands that crimped the
dough and then so gently placed them in the
boiling oil. The dirty hands that wrapped them
in the napkins and gently filled the basket, trying
not to break any of them and have all their
goodness spill out.

How far did she have to walk to reach the road
and then how long did she have to wait for the
bus to come?

And when she got home, did she clean herself
up and begin the long walk to school,
or did she just fill up with more pastries and
get ready to go and wait for the next bus?

How does one analyze the different worlds
people live in without feeling a stab of pain
and wonder how some people live so poorly, 
and we complain when we are living so well.

I ate those four empanadas so quickly, as if they
were nothing, I didn't resent that I had paid the 
foreigner's rate, I just enjoyed them until the
bitterness arose in me so vile as to how many
might have suffered for me to have something to eat in
the morning after a long bus ride.

Her face was so dirty and sad and I will never
see her again as long as I live,
and she could be out there right now, waiting for
the next bus, an empty desk in a schoolhouse.




The gates loomed above me as I got off the bus,
I had been looking out the window,
and as I spotted the King David Hotel and
considered getting off and going on to use their
washrooms. The hostel washroom had been very busy
that morning and the smell had sent me outside
to urinate against the side of the wall.

Everyone out at nine in the morning sharp, a cookie
and some orange juice, that was the free fucking
breakfast? The orange juice was canned, we had
passed acres of orange groves on the ride from the
airport and I was given an paper cup of canned juice?
Anybody would have felt ripped off.

Back to the gate, it was so high, how the hell did they
build that without using a modern day crane,
it must have taken years,
I entered, everyone looked seedy, not a smiling
face in sight.

I was glad I hadn't shaved in days and I had
left my backpack at the hostel so I didn't think I
looked like a tourist, a terrorist perhaps! The aroma
of nearly a thousand different food stalls permeated my
nostrils and slapped me right across the face.

Finally I felt somewhere strange, exotic, alien,
everything I didn't want to see wasn't there,
no McDonalds or Dairy Queen,
and not a doughnut in sight. No sign of
the stars and stripes here but the sight of
so many yarmukhas and uzis in the same spot
was unnerving, so nothing I had ever seen before
and as I stopped to buy some sesame cakes
from a vendor I got some strange looks,
as though I shouldn't have been buying
anything from this person.

I walked on, munching, but still feeling very
uneasy and I couldn't dream of a spot I might
fit in here.

The ugly foreigner, perhaps, but I wasn't up to no
good and they should have known that.
I continued on my adventure through the city,
so much to buy and not a lot of money in my pocket,
learn to shop with your eyes at all times, I was told,
you don't have the means to carry any of that shit
around with you even if you could afford it.
Leave it for the rich Americans who could pay for the
extra luggage and who had lots of room to store the shit
when they got back to Albuquerque.

I smelled hash coming from the back of one of the stalls,
now there was something I could afford, and finally
someone smiled at me as I walked towards the back
of the stall.




The red light flashed and a buzzer rang,
but I ignored the customs guy and tried
to nonchalantly walk out the door.
Not today, I was called back and sent into
a room with my luggage.

Screw this, I thought, I'm not in a hurry,
and I don't have anything illegal,
I just want to get the fuck out of here.
I can't take it anymore.
I waited and I waited,
what a bunch of assholes, I just wanted
to get out and have a smoke,
I had been on the plane for hours and if
they had let me outside for two minutes I would
have happily sat there for hours as they tore
through my suitcases looking for heroin and ecstasy,
or whatever it was they thought I was trying
to smuggle back in.

I had lots of alcohol, maybe twenty bottles of wine,
but that's not what they were hunting,
why should they care about alcohol,
and the worst-case scenario was they would take it
away or charge duty on it,
fuck them, whichever they decided, just make the
decision and let me get the hell out of there.

I put on my most uncooperative face and just
sat there as if I had all the time in the
world, which I did, but then again,
I didn't.

I smiled as they pawed through my dirty 
clothes, they looked for secret compartments,
and they even opened my notebooks to see if
they could decipher what was on my mind.
Nothing.... doodles, swastikas are not illegal, we
are not in Germany or Israel,
frown and suck in your breath all you
want, I have done nothing wrong.
I answer the questions that I have not listened
to or understood and I wonder what they really
think of me. They are so interested in my notebook
and I can't help but laugh at the irony, I have 
tried so hard to get people to read what I have
written, but there are so few takers, yet these idiots
seem to be glued to every word, every pen stroke
every nuance, they didn't spend this much time
on my laptop for crying out loud and there could have
downloaded upskirt pics in there that
could have raised an eyebrow or two. Finally
they close my bag, look at me as though they are about
ready to spit and then they send me on my way
with a wave and a scowl, oh that cigarette was Heaven.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Radisson Olives

The sun shines, melting all the snow of
the previous night, all the vestiges of a hard night of
work destroyed in the twinkling of an eye.
I aspire to vanquish the storm clouds
on the horizon and deep inside my mind
but they remain, fluttering eyelids will not
make the blackness disappear nor the
cold icy blast of Arctic air that comes
streaming across the parking lot and taking
up room in my heart.

Though my feet may freeze and my fingertips 
turn black and fall off,
I cannot warm them, not even by
sticking them directly into the epicenter of
a fire, icicles still dangle, tauntingly,
and I can only wonder how the fuck that 
is possible.

I feel the poison building back up in
my brain,
every time I breathe it is there to
remind me who is in control and the
amount of time I actually have left.

The poison, whether up from my heart
or downward from my brain, its trying
to destroy me from the inside out and
I can't see far enough inside
to get the poison out. If I can't see
it the doctors will claim its not there
but I know it is there and I can feel
it slowly digesting the insides of my
skull cavity. All this time I thought
it was my teeth, but it goes far deeper
than that.

To truly rid myself of all poison I would
have to cut off my own head,
not a viable option,
at least if I am still deciding to
keep on going.
Can't make a go without the head.
Blow it all out disintegrating tissue after
the only way to survive but it will surely
catch me one day,
one day it won't stop until every
ounce of fluid has been drained from my
body and I will remain, mummified,
in whatever position I happened to be in.

Other choices exist but I am blind to their
existence, be it dictated by intelligence or
even common sense, both curiosities I'm not sure
I possess.

Turning over I wonder if the next
breach will be my last,
will I feel something inside me
permanently detach and spell out
the last thing I will ever do.
Will I drain over a clean surface
leaving a blot or stain where I once was,
or will it simply be washed over with a
mop and a bucket of water and pine-sol?

The people I see here are getting dumber 
by the second,
so many vacant looks and equally
vacant stares,
they ask me questions while the answers
are there, open, right in front of their faces,
yet they don't possess the eyesight to just reach
out and take it.
It would be so easy,
yet life is not easy and it never 
promised to anyone to be easy,
they certainly got that one right
as an unfettered run is next to

I glimpse into the future daily and I
never see that silver lining
that is rumored to exist in each cloud,
only endless billowing that seems so
light, yet weighs us all down with such
excruciating force and dexterity.

You want to blow it all away with a hair
dryer but there is no extension chord long
enough to reach to the sky for that purpose.
Instead you watch them and try to
figure out what shapes they have transformed
themselves into on that day,
when you know deep down that it has only
been a matter of chance,
and surreal exercise in your mind.

A dog, a cat, Otto Von Bismarck, you can turn
them into anything you want to.
I prefer land masses to people or animals,
you can't insult anyone that way,
how can one not appear to be fat if they
are told they look like a cloud?

Furious rage is beaten down onto your head
as you try and make sense of every
oxymoron you have ever heard,
and you have run out of ideas on how
to make any more.

Bittersweet irony was the only irony ever



Home For The Holidays

John Fitzgerald Kennedy International Airport, New York
City, the bar looked out on to the various
runways, while planes from the world over
taxied by, filled with wild-eyed vacationers,
some heading home, possibly for a funeral or
maybe even a birth,
long shot case even a circumcision, but then
again, why would they be leaving New York.

I ordered my third whiskey sour and decided
maybe I should slow down, I had four or
five hours to kill, most could be done in front
of this window but if I fell asleep I would get
in trouble.

Royal Air Maroc, LOT and Aerflot, one behind the
other, I guessed Casablanca, Warsaw and Moscow
and I was probably right. I could 
make out the faces inside the tiny windows
and no matter the amount of happiness it
was always overpowered by the fear.
The Fear.

The fear of crashing into the ocean,
the fear of being late,
the fear of a mid-air collision and your
body disintegrating beyond recognition.
The fear of a customs dog picking up on the
scent of marijuana embedded in your
jean jacket no matter how many times
you had it washed,
how long would you last in a South American 
and would they even notify anyone to come
and get you out?
I doubt it.

It's easy, just don't get on the plane.
Not so easy, I already checked my luggage,
it will go anyway,
and how do I get back to Toronto,
I don't have a return ticket.

Avianca flight # whatever, I'n not going to
Bogota, finally I see the Aerolineas 
Argentinas jumbo jet move down the tarmac
and into a dock.
At least I know the plane is there and I
forget everything else, instead deciding to have 
another whiskey sour, I wish I was back
at school and the holidays were over.

By the time I'm ready to board, I'm drunk,
by the time take-off rolls around, I am asleep,
somewhere over the Amazon I awake to
find they have kept my meal warm and the flight
is running smooth as silk.

Ezeiza in the morning, just in time for breakfast.


Friday, March 15, 2013


Grass Weeds

The fear chased after me on Saturday and
Sunday but did not overtake
I was too quick.
Forgetting about work I set in strongly
and protected myself from her evil work,
the way she pulls at my brain stems and
tries to clog up my heart,
stopping the blood and killing me slowly,
I don't know how to react but I know I
must run,
not to feel the steely, icy grip that cannot
be unclenched by even the greatest will.
No matter how fast I run there is never
a good place to hide,
when I come upon one that seems good
I talk myself out of it, bad reasoning
as to how it can be breached and
how long I will last in the shadow.
The shadow moves faster and will still one
day envelop them all, I know this but I must
run from it anyway, knowing the day I am
caught I will beg to be tortured but it will
refuse and I will have to face it fully sane
and fully clothed.

It is not what I fear but is also
everything I fear at the same time.
I will be forced to stand up straight,
shaking knees and sore feet will go
against me but I will be held up by a
power yet unseen, blood will harden and I
will stand as rigid as a statue,
hovering over an ancient background,
fallen bodies and blood long replaced by grass
weeds and wildflowers, a blight upon the
existence of man yet the beauty of nature
overcomes all. One foot lies firmly embedded
in the sand while the other is just as secure
entrenched in the mud, neither can break free but
one isn't as bad as the other.

I cease to struggle, it only makes matters 
worse and I wait for the light to come on
and blind me in it's magnificence. I shield
my eyes, waiting for the blindness that will
soon overtake me, I welcome it as much
as I fear it.

Here comes the candle to light you to bed,
Here comes the chopper to chop off your head.
Winston, you should have stayed in your own
apartment, things were a lot safer there.




The rain beat down on the window,
lulling me to sleep and keeping me awake
at the same time.

I looked up but couldn't see, pure darkness
except for the occasional flash of lightning
that illuminated the room for a few brief
seconds, actually making things eerie
and more frightening.

The luminous dials on the clock showed
four-thirty, not enough time for a good sleep
but not late enough to completely give up
and rise to start another day.

The fear had set in long before the loneliness
and I clenched my eyelids tight hoping
that whatever was there didn't exist, or
at least would go away.

Opening my eyes would only bring it to
life, I could see no evil and there would 
be no evil.
I could picture any over-exaggerated,
sabre-toothed monster which would quickly
turn comical and I could just laugh
the fear away.
Other times I would overdo it and absolutely
scare the shit out of myself.

I could try to scream out a name or
be primal, but nothing would elicit from
my throat as I tried in vain to force the air out
of it. Nobody around to hear the scream
anyway, the people upstairs screamed all
the time and I never went up there to see
what was the matter, I didn't care about 
them so why should they care about me.

I rose finally, shaking off the mental pictures
I had created and went to lie on the couch,
the living room was brighter and dawn was
making an entrance.

As I looked outside I could see the trees,
indistinctly but I knew they were there. It was
still raining and the whole world had
become wet overnight, the snow was almost all
melted and an eerie, greenish brown lies
underneath, yet carrying the hope that
spring is going to come sooner or later. I lay
on the couch facing the front window and the
sky is appearing painted in loneliness, I watch
as the dawn slowly uncovers everything and
reminds me where I am.

After preparing a pot of
coffee and lighting a smoke, I ponder the future and
try and decide if I should search for a job
that day.



Eilat Beach

The cops had caught him fair and square
but he couldn't bear to be arrested,
he had shot his mouth off too many times
down on the beach,
accepting a few free Maccabees he had
spilled the beans, where he had done it,
who he had done it to, and how he had
got away with it. Luck was on his side as
someone heard him, and turned him in,
instead of leaving it to vagrant justice.
They would have beaten him to death,
I know, I saw it happen a number of 
times and became sickened to my surprise.
Blood flows so crimson and wide, staining
pavement for yards around the victim.

First the cops surrounded him,
there were five of them against one,
nobody would come to his aid after what
they heard, as if fearing injury they all
pulled out their batons,
five batons, one head.
He screamed in pain as the first two hit
his skull, but fell silent as he fell down,
they continued to pummel his lifeless body,
as it lay on the dirt floor.

They stopped as the bleeding became heavy
and worry overcame them as they feared
they might have hit him one too many times,
one felt for a pulse and upon realizing
there still was a faint one they grabbed
him by the hands and feet and began
pulling him out of the bar. He left a
trail of blood in the dirt as they dragged him
out, through the window I watched as they
threw him into the back of a van. They 
could have done that to anyone, I thought,
they didn't even question him. I had half 
a pint left but I couldn't finish it, it had
gone sour and the smell of blood was
making me ill. One of the women from
behind the bar began sweeping up the clots
of blood lodged in the dirt, cursing all of
us as though we were all animals and
we all deserved to be dragged out of there
unconscious, hardly a good way to make any
tips but her hatred ran deep. I left my beer
on the counter and walked out into the hot desert
afternoon sunshine and tried to draw some life
from the awesome heat. Nothing doing, my blood
had run cold and it would take more than forty
degrees to warm it back up.




After the surprise beating to the hands,
six mighty whacks on each with a leather
following the even more ignoble punishment,
the ultimate blackmail, unfulfilled,
I make a beeline for the door,
yet reaching there I find my hands are too
sore to manage the knob.
I twist the gnarled claws and somehow
manage to awkwardly wrap them around
the knob,
then I twist my body instead of the hand
to turn the knob and get the fucking 
door open, my comical antics create
laughter, elicit mirth from the two ogres
relishing my discomfort, knowing they
have been absolved by a signature of my
father who allowed the torture.

When questioned later about why he
allowed these events to transpire he
joined the ranks of millions of Germans
who claimed and asserted they had no idea
of what went on behind the fences and the

Absolution! Absolution, what you can't
see, doesn't exist in some scenarios,
most severe punishment, the way it os
described in the brochure, most severe
punishment, here is how it could
have been more truthfully described;
Your child will be approached by an overweight,
porno-collecting pedophile with a foot long
leather strap which he will apply to your
child's hands with as much energy as he can
muster. To add insult to injury he will
also laugh at him as he tries to open the 
door to get the hell out of there and to top
it all off he will make him lead the entire school
in grace at lunch that day.

Possibly your child may also have been forced to
perform fellatio on the chaplain earlier that
morning and that's how he ended up there in the
first place.

I'm sure attendance and enrollment would have
suffered if that notice had shown in the brochure.
The alcoholic pedophile resides six feet under
at the moment and I can't think of a better
place for him, the other, I'm sad to report,
still lives, but I need to know what he is
living with and if he ever thinks back to
that morning and smiles, or throws up,
I need to know.