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Sunday, June 9, 2013



The gates loomed above me as I got off the bus,
I had been looking out the window,
and as I spotted the King David Hotel and
considered getting off and going on to use their
washrooms. The hostel washroom had been very busy
that morning and the smell had sent me outside
to urinate against the side of the wall.

Everyone out at nine in the morning sharp, a cookie
and some orange juice, that was the free fucking
breakfast? The orange juice was canned, we had
passed acres of orange groves on the ride from the
airport and I was given an paper cup of canned juice?
Anybody would have felt ripped off.

Back to the gate, it was so high, how the hell did they
build that without using a modern day crane,
it must have taken years,
I entered, everyone looked seedy, not a smiling
face in sight.

I was glad I hadn't shaved in days and I had
left my backpack at the hostel so I didn't think I
looked like a tourist, a terrorist perhaps! The aroma
of nearly a thousand different food stalls permeated my
nostrils and slapped me right across the face.

Finally I felt somewhere strange, exotic, alien,
everything I didn't want to see wasn't there,
no McDonalds or Dairy Queen,
and not a doughnut in sight. No sign of
the stars and stripes here but the sight of
so many yarmukhas and uzis in the same spot
was unnerving, so nothing I had ever seen before
and as I stopped to buy some sesame cakes
from a vendor I got some strange looks,
as though I shouldn't have been buying
anything from this person.

I walked on, munching, but still feeling very
uneasy and I couldn't dream of a spot I might
fit in here.

The ugly foreigner, perhaps, but I wasn't up to no
good and they should have known that.
I continued on my adventure through the city,
so much to buy and not a lot of money in my pocket,
learn to shop with your eyes at all times, I was told,
you don't have the means to carry any of that shit
around with you even if you could afford it.
Leave it for the rich Americans who could pay for the
extra luggage and who had lots of room to store the shit
when they got back to Albuquerque.

I smelled hash coming from the back of one of the stalls,
now there was something I could afford, and finally
someone smiled at me as I walked towards the back
of the stall.


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