No Accounting For Accounting
It absolutely boggles my mind
when somebody has less
aptitude in mathematics
than myself.
They are required to print
out three sheets, each
numbered on the top
right corner, one, two
and three.
I stamp and return copy
number two, and I keep
and file one and three.
Oh, yes, I have to staple a
sample to copy number one
if there is one.
Anyways, some people come to
the dock completely Fubar
and can't get the idea of three
fucking copies set in their
Some demand all three copies
stamped and returned,
I refuse,
others keep copy number one and
give me two and three.
I try and explain to them but I get
many a gape and a long
soul-less look in the eye.
Some just throw all three
copies at me, drive away and
supposedly hope for the best.
I think I would like to take up
origami and make little
white cranes for the people,
hoping it might brighten their
day and even make them
a little smarter.
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