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Sunday, January 20, 2013


Mount Telluride
PM 1301201

When the dream begins in blue I
don't fear nightmares, only when
it starts to turn red do I desperately
try and wake myself up before the
witch makes her appearance or I
begin my descent into a bottomless pit.
Surreal in blue is soothing to the
stomach and I can lose myself
in it, talking playing cards and 
food that moves around on your
plate without the help of insects or

The roast potatoes never make
friends with the salad and balsamic
dressing acts as a balm,
covering up the day's aches and
pains. I lie there wondering if
donkeys cry and if so, what kind
of sound would they make?
I am far too interested
in animal noises and depend on
children to let me know their take
on the matter, they will always
hear things we cannot.

"Ricky is being the epitome of refractory 
today," a quote that had made the 
rounds in my brain far too many times
of late and I wonder why.

I have ascended Mount Telluride
and as I gaze down on sleepy,
snow-covered Colorado towns I realize
the end is not as near as I once
suspected, that I do have some control
over the strings that are slowly encircling 
my neck and tightening their grip based
on radio reception wave figures.

Mount Telluride has disappeared
and once again I have transported
myself to Pico Aleman and I have
the whole Plain of the Retired Nazi Generals
spread out before me,
chalet roofs peaking out from beneath
the trees, a small creek running through
the centre of town, German flags interspersed
between the occasional "celeste y blanco",
and I understand the fear of fire,
the stench of death and the mighty
downswing of Thor's hammer as he wreaks
his justice for the innocent and downtrodden.

Lunging, the panther shoots out of the spring-
thistled bush and captures my skin and flesh
in it's claws and I wait for the sabre-tooth
to pierce my skull and allow my brain 
to leak out.
All I have to do is run down the mountain
but the path has been hidden.
The Viet-Cong have set their traps and
I must learn to cry in Spanish like a donkey.


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